Friday, June 02, 2006

Night Kisses

I can still feel them
I don't even have to close my eyes
or breathe in
I can still smell you

feel you playfully kissing me
like a cat licks its milk

still feel the texture of your tongue
better than in my dreams

still feel how much I had to hold back
so you wouldn't know
how much I wanted
to keep going

pleasing you all the way through
reaching as far as I could
into you

like you reach into
without even trying

Effortlessly you wander
across my lips
into my mouth

setting off alarms
blazing wet fires

all over

all in
all around
so that
I can still feel them

You can do that again,
you never have to do that again
I don't want to be anything other than pleasure
for you

Pleasure in hearing our voices together
like our kisses

we both know that there are
those things that pull us away
from those sweet moments

ah, so sweet that
I can still feel them


Anonymous said...


how do you do that?!

Chuck Cuyjet said...

I could show you (again, just couldn't resist!!!) but I'm sure you already know how...